Can we put ice in wine?

I know most of you are in winter, but it’s summer here in Chile, so it’s rosé time. I decided to experiment with putting ice in my rosé. Although most wine connoisseurs would scoff at the idea of putting ice in wine if not downright berate you for doing it, it is not as uncommon as you’d think. Should we ever put ice in our wine? Continue reading

The Cult of Wine

I hosted a wine tasting recently with other wine geek friends and their significant others. However, one of the wine geeks brought her new boyfriend, who knew very little about wine. It was as if she was testing him. Would he be accepting of her lifestyle? Would he convert to being a wine lover too? Another wine lover, after several glasses of wine in him, asked the new boyfriend to share his feelings about what he was experiencing and learning while being surrounded by a bunch of wine encyclopedias commenting about every sip they were taking of the over a dozen bottles we had opened. This was after other wine geeks had shared their personal stories of how they came to love wine so much and for some, work in the industry. Then it suddenly hit me: being a wine lover is like being in a cult.  Continue reading